Coach Brandon with a barbell across his back demonstrating movements to his personal training client

Welcome to Buffletics!

Here's a little intro to what we're all about over here at Buffletics.

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Buffletics is dedicated to building buff athletes. We utilize functional movements to train your body to be

Hey, welcome to Buffletics! Here’s what we’re all about…

Buffletics is dedicated to building buff athletes. We utilize functional movements to train your body to be as physically capable as possible, with a specialized approach to help you achieve whatever your physical goals may be. Our training values are: moving well, teamwork, and building confidence by overcoming challenges.

Now, you don’t have to play a sport to train like an athlete. Training like an athlete is about understanding a physical goal, reverse engineering how to get there, and then attacking the plan one step at a time. Our training model follows the “Structure → Strength → Speed” model to optimally prepare you for whatever goal lies ahead (whether it be on the playing field or in the “sport of life”).

Buffletics services include: Personal Training, Online Coaching, and Ready Built Programs. Each has their own benefits, so make sure you check out our “Services” page to learn which path is right for you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot us a message, which can be done from the bottom of any page on our site. We look forward to hearing from you!


Stay swole,
Coach Brandon

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